One of my favourite pieces of prose is HG Wells' 1909 A Moonlight Fable (aka The Beautiful Suit) which ultimately inspired the art work I recently bought for the home.
"The garden in the moonlight was very different from the garden by day; moonshine was tangled in the hedges and stretched in phantom cobwebs from spray to spray. Every flower was gleaming white or crimson black, and the air was aquiver with the thridding of small crickets and nightingales singing unseen in the depths of the trees."

Fairies Asleep In The Moonlight
"There was no darkness in the world, but only warm, mysterious shadows; and all the leaves and spikes were edged and lined with iridescent jewels of dew. The night was warmer than any night had ever been, the heavens by some miracle at once vaster and nearer, and spite of the great ivory-tinted moon that ruled the world, the sky was full of stars. "
"Die Sternthaler" The Child Gathers Star Money
"The trees cast still shadows like intricate black lace upon the wall. "
The War of The Worlds, The Martians Are Seen to be Working by Night
"Beyond the hedge he came to the duck-pond, or at least to what was the duck-pond by day. But by night it was a great bowl of silver moonshine all noisy with singing frogs, of wonderful silver moonshine twisted and clotted with strange patternings.."
Kexy, Friend of Fairies
"Soft moth!" he cried, "dear moth! And wonderful night, wonderful night of the world! Do you think my clothes are beautiful, dear moth? As beautiful as your scales and all this silver vesture of the earth and sky?"
A Midsummer Night's Dream Act IV Scene 1: Titania and Bottom