"I love you but I have chosen darkness"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Fantasy

image from vainandvapid

This is what I'll be wearing to a client meeting on my very last day as a headhunter, after which I'll hang up my bow and arrow for good. 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Friends

Considering I hardly make friends and generally hate the concept of introducing new things in my life, I've done quite well this month with this motley lot.

Gargoyle from The Pickled Fairy, a magical shop in Freo, courtesy of Janice my sister-in-law.

The Grey Converse who walked home with me one skiving afternoon.

About a hundred strangers from all over the world.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It Feels Like Christmas

The weather's gone all haywire. Floods in June, cool breezy afternoons in July. As long as I'm not robbed of my Christmas weather come December, it can rain all day every day in summer for all I care.