"I love you but I have chosen darkness"

Thursday, January 1, 2015

An Old New Life

Many moons have passed. I'm still the same person, but different. Like two ends of an ombre rainbow. A rainbow with just one color. Black? Probably not. But then again, black was never a color to me.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Life Less Complicated

The trees stand silently in the faint moonlight. They say nothing, but on occasion a breeze gently nudges and they sigh, content. Just the cool soil beneath them.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Christmas Book

All I want for Christmas
Is to have What Katie Ate.

images by Katie Quinn Davies from whatkatieate.com

A Simple Christmas

Much has happened over the past 6 months which changed aspects of our lives forever. For good of course.
What better way to mark the birth of Christ then, with a sprinkling of fairy lights, a hint of Frankincense and Myrrh and last year's little angels from Vienna.
And a divine-smelling pine called Mr Tuna.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The centre of my universe takes on several names.
Baby Catbus
Smelly Cat
image from "Jenny and the Cat Club" by Esther Averill

and the latest, Jenny Linsky.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sweet, Black and Hooded

October beckons, albeit distantly. Poe's mind fills with mischief.
Perhaps this is how we should look when we visit Ogilvy then.

image taken from Deviant Art

Dark Light

I couldn't have said it better than the person who originally captioned this.
"I will be found doing this on All Hallow's Eve"

image from bohemiansense.com